This whole Member Site is locked down and only accessible by official members of Grace Church. The only people who have access to the site are the members you see listed in the directory.
No, the Member Directory is only for members of the church. We love our visitors, but to protect the personal information of our members, this site is only available for official members.
There are a few individuals in the church (elders, deacons, and tech team) who have access to certain administrative areas of the site so that we can update the calendar, help members with their site registrations, and manage other technical tasks. Folks with administrative access are able to access the back end of the site to manage content.
Since you are already logged in, simply navigate to the ‘Member Directory’ tab on this site’s main menu to view and use the member directory.
To update your Member Profile, follow these steps:
- Go to the Member Directory.
- Browse or Search for your listing.
- Click on your picture or name to go to your Profile.
- Look beneath your Profile picture or the placeholder image that is there and and click the Edit Entry link.
- Change, add, or remove content, including pictures, as you desire. When you’re happy with everything, just click on the Update button to update your profile. It will automatically return you back to your published Member Directory profile.
If you want to change the password on your Member Directory profile, follow the instructions for updating your Member Profile.
If you want to change the email you use for this site, you can update it by clicking the Site User Profile link in the footer of this site.
If you run into any technical issues with the site, or if you find a bug, send an email to Sara Whitford (sara@seaportwebworks.com). She built the church websites and should be able to help you with anything.